Monday, March 3, 2008

Not really sure...

Okay, so I'm not really sure that any one is seeing my blog. So I've spent a few days trying to figure out if this thing is even publishing to any one besides me. I've been very busy this weekend helping a friend move and editing the horrible photos I recieved from my own wedding. It will take a lot of work, but I think I can fix enough of them to make a nice album for Jonathan and I. As I'm going through these I'm reminded how responsible a photographer has to be when capturing another person's special event. A lot of though has to go into the lighting and how that light will look once the image is blown up. Images must be in focus otherwise its pointless to blow them up and finally you must frame the picture correctly. Make sure all lines are straight and the picture is centered - otherwise they look like your everyday shots. Any creativity can be done later with the computer but it is of the up most importance that your orifinal shots be clear and sharp. You are only as good as your work in this field.

So if any one is reading this blog I'd love it if you would just respond and let me know you are seeing my messages. Sure would love to know this has gone public.

Best Wishes! Dawn

1 comment:

  1. I'm your first comment! Just letting you know I can see your published posts! I'll let you know if I come across any brides looking. As of now, many if not all of the friends I have are married! Well, everything looks good from my end. Good luck with everything.
