My Father is my angle. He is the ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, he my inspiration, my friend, but above all else he is my Daddy. This giant of a man suffers from an immobilizing disease called multiple scerlorsis or better known as MS. My first memory in life is being under the car with him "helping" scrub some rust off of his new "toy". He stood 6 foot three and had broad shoulders - he was built as solid as a foot ball player. I didn't always understand why my Daddy got sick from time to time, why he some times fell and why he seemed to slowly deteriorate and quite frankly it never mattered to me. He was and still is the strongest man I have ever known. His hugs were always home and his voice always calmed me. He has more knowledge and life experience than I could ever imagine. He has fought daily - Despite loosing everything - his ability to see, to move, to use the bathroom, to hug, and to sometimes speak he still keeps a positive attitude and believes God has him here for a purpose. I love my Daddy - he is my inspiration, my hero, my angle. I found out today that he is very sick. He only has one kidney and it is very infected. His blood pressure dropped to 80/45 last night and he was near death. He is doing better now and seems to be on the other side of this battle but I am asking for every one's prayers. Please pray for his health - but also pray that if this is his time to go home that it can be without suffering and he can be at peace.
Below I have included a poem that he wrote when I was about 11 years old. I read this poem often and it gives me strength and reminds me that nothing is to great that it can not be overcome. I imagine my father sitting at his big wooden desk, tears running down his big cheeks and his hand shaking as the words that he must have held inside for years finally came pouring out of his pen. What a release it must have been for him to express himself this way. He loves his family. He is an honorable man. I wish everyone could know his heart. I wish I had half his heart. Thank you all for your prayers.
To The People I Love
I try harder everyday
But it seems to be harder that way
The steps I struggle to take,
Even though my legs begin to shake.
Sometimes I begin to fall,
But I continue to stand tall.
I feel useless and have no self worth,
When I can't do the simplest things I want on this earth,
Like walking and playing.
People have their saying,
"Don't give up without a fight"
Little do they know I do all day and night.
My family supports me in every way
Without them there wouldn't be another day.
I love them dearly they must know,
Because without them I would go.
So to the People I Love,
They know who they are.
Once day I'll fly like a dove,
With no limits how far.
By: Billy Frank Brumbles Jr.
My Father, My Hero